"La amistad es lluvia de flores preciosas"
"Friendship is like a shower of precious flowers"
Aztec Poem (Source: Inside Mexico)
Bring your lover or your friend to the Franklin Inn and celebrate Valentines Day Mexican-Style. February 14th is celebrated in Mexico as the Día de San Valentin, or more commonly: El Día del Amor y la Amistad, the "day of love and friendship." People commonly give flowers, candies and balloons to their romantic interest, but it's also a day to show appreciation for friends. It's a time for people to show appreciation to the people they care about.
Bring your sweetie or your pal to the Franklin Inn for great food and some good conversation, because according to a Mexican Proverb, "Conversation is food for the soul."
"Friendship is like a shower of precious flowers"
Aztec Poem (Source: Inside Mexico)

Bring your sweetie or your pal to the Franklin Inn for great food and some good conversation, because according to a Mexican Proverb, "Conversation is food for the soul."
For more about the origins of Saint Valentine's Day check out www.history.com.