Thank you to our active, reserve, and retired veterans.
We'd like to treat you to a complimentary entree (lunch or dinner). Visit the Inn this week on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Just show your military/veteran's ID or other proof of military service. No coupon or certificate is necessary. Thank you for your service.
For the Rest of Our Patrons: Would you join us in collecting items for our service men and women who won't be able to visit the Inn for a complimentary meal?
Troops Item Collection at the Franklin Inn
I received an email today from Boucek's Battalion. They have extended their collection deadline because they are short on some items. I became aware of BB last week when I volunteered to help my daughter, Julia, make cookies. Our local girl scouts organized a night at Ingomar Middle School. The girls made 2,000 cookies! BB will be sending the cookies for Christmas. But, they would like to send additional items that our troops could use.
Here is what they need most:
* Power/Protein Bars
* Eye drops
* Deodorant
* Decks of cards
* Puzzle books
* Socks
* Hand Sanitizers (small, pocket size bottles)
* Toothbrushes
* Dental Floss
Bring these items to the Franklin Inn between now and Thursday. I will take your donations Friday morning to the Boucek's Battalion drop off site. They can also use monetary gifts to help with mailing costs. Please don't give us these monetary gifts. Give financial contributions directly to BB. Visit their website for more details: www.bouceksbattalion.org.
Have a great week. See you at the Inn!
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