On the recommendation of a friend, I had lunch with a co-worker at the Franklin Inn. We loved it! When our boss (who takes us all (6) out to lunch fairly regularly) asked for suggestions for lunch we both said “The Franklin Inn”. Everyone loved it and when our boss picked up the check – he said “I really like this place.” Not only does the Franklin Inn have delicious food, the prices are great too. It has quickly become our company’s favorite lunch spot. Thank you.
Lois and I moved to the North Hills in 1983. I learned of the Franklin Inn in 1984. We have been loyal patrons ever since. We knew the first owner. And, of course, Dougie the waiter. We used to be at the Inn so often that Doug would “slip” us a free quesadilla or sangria once in a while. [Editor's note: All patrons of the Inn will get a free dinner on their b-day. Just join the Inn Crowd so we know when to send your gift certificate!] We took Doug out for a goodbye party his last day at the Inn. We befriended Dolly, who knows just how we like our sangria. And, Mary Kay is the best. I had my resignation party at the Inn. Needless to say, I ended the evening with the sombrero on my head. Thanks for such great memories!- Sheree Girty and Lois Zebrouvis
I had my first date with Lori at the Franklin Inn on March 16, 2007. We have been together ever since. When asking her out for the first time, she expressed an interest in Mexican food. At that moment, we both mentioned the Franklin Inn simultaneously, and the date was set to meet at the Franklin Inn. The first date was very enjoyable, and the food was great as always. In addition, a late winter storm dumped about 4-5 inches of snow that day and evening on Pittsburgh. It made for perfect setting while enjoying my first date with Lori. - John Odzga
My favorite memory of the Franklin Inn occurred on a snowy cold night in March of 2008. My husband invited four of our closest friends to join us for dinner to celebrate my birthday. As the evening progressed my husband presented me with a gift bag. As I opened up the bag I first took out two Margarita glasses, then I found sunglasses, a hat, sun tan lotion, a shovel and a bucket to dig in the sand. Finally, I opened a card to find a picture of a beautiful resort located in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. My husband had booked a trip to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. Not only did the Franklin Inn contribute to the Mexican theme, but it is also my favorite restaurant. I will always remember this special evening at the Franklin Inn. - Lee Ann
Probably my best Franklin Inn story is when Ziggy and I would move Lou's van in the parking lot daily, whichever one of us came in after Lou we would move the van, turn it around, move it from one side of the lot to the other, etc. It was so funny to see the look on his face when he would go out to get in the van and would not know where to find it or how it got there. There was one day when he and Zig had been sitting there for quit a while and I moved the van, he went out and came back in and accused Zig of moving it and Zig had never moved off the stool. The last straw was one day when Zig and I were both there and neither of us could go out and move it and Mary Kay was just coming into work and I went to the men's room and asked her to move it and she moved it to the bottom of the lot, after that Lou did not leave his keys in the van any longer. I hope you enjoyed this one, I know that we all did as it was going on." - Timothy H. Kimbel
Congratulations to the Franklin Inn! We (my husband, daughter and I) were just at the Inn tonight and saw your announcement. Have you really only been in business for thirty years? It seems like just yesterday that we discovered the Franklin Inn. (Well.... actually.... it about 28 years ago! In fact we enjoyed our discovery so much that 26 years ago-today(January 15)-we celebrated our wedding dinner at the Inn with friends! Over the years we have returned to the Inn reminiscent with fond memories. Tonight was our daughter's first visit to the Inn so of course we had to share our stories with her and now with you in celebration of the Inn's 30th anniversary. Congratulations and Best Wishes for many years to be!- Rod and Glenda Yount
Read the rest of the stories here.