Friday, July 18, 2008

Have a Happy Lolliop Day

Sunday, July 20th, is National Lollipop Day...
The Franklin Inn will be celebrating by giving suckers to the kids this week and on Sunday we will have the coveted ring pops while supplies last (Grace and Joey's pick!). I bet you are wondering what lollipops have to do with Mexican food. (Well...nothing, but I've discovered a website that lists all the holidays. I'm just having too much fun thinking of the possibilities. Did you know that August 8th is National Sneak Zucchini on to Your Neighbor's Porch Night? Next week is National Tequila Day.) Lollipops are so fun and festively colored just like our little Mexican Restaurant, so why not celebrate it. I looked lollipop up in the English to Spanish translator. It came up with Piruleta. If someone out there is fluent in Mexican Spanish, let us all know if this is correct.

Here are some links regarding Lollipops. I have not made any of these recipes, but they sound good so please let me know if you attempt it (you could always leave a sample at the Inn). ¡Día feliz de Piruleta!

History of Lollipops

Recipe for making your own flavored suckers.

When Suckers Were Good...How to Make a Delicious Lollipop

Recipe for Dipped Oreo Chocolate Suckers

The Science of Candy Recipes

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